
Our initial destination at the Kenyan coast had been the island of Lamu, which is supposedly known for still being original and relatively untouched. Such a description in the Lonely Planet usually leads to the contrary within a short amount of time, but we had heard such quotes from several independent sources and therefore decided to make the move. The islamic influence is still widespread along the coast and Lamu is supposed to show much of its culture. We honestly aimed to reach this target, but as usual, things turned out differently. After a pretty dusty and bumpy bus ride along the country's main traffic vessel from Nairobi to Mombasa we were already fed up with travelling.


Two nights in Mombasa brought us the friendship of a tremendously hospitable and generous muslim family, but did not recover our desire to travel. Therefore we decided for Watamu as a stepping stone, encouraged by the description of the local coral reefs and relieved by four hours less of travelling. A good choice as it turned out, so that we postponed our departure day after day and finally gave in completely.




Overview                 Massai Mara                   Kitale